Survey And Site Appraisal

Prior to producing any schemes, full measured building/s surveys would have to be undertaken. From this we produce ‘as existing’ plans, elevations, site and location plans.


The scheme will include outline sketch proposals, guiding all clients to an indication of what could be. Providing construction cost advice and then moving onto a detailed scheme design.


Within planning there are many steps which we will help to oversee. From start to finish we help with the preparation, submission, and the monitoring of planning. We produce full detailed proposed planning drawings which will include plans, elevations, site and location plans, and a Planning Supporting Statement (if required). We have an in-house Planning administrator who monitors all the above with their exceptional expertise.  

Building Regulations

Building Regulations are standards that apply to all buildings to make sure they are safe for people who are in or around them. Building Regulation drawings are a set of detailed drawings and construction details that are submitted to a building control department and go into much more detail than the planning application drawings.

Additional Works/Tender

In addition to producing detailed drawings, documentation would include tender specifications incorporating services plans, detailed external works and site works drawings together with forms of tender and invite letters. These we can issue to contractors on your behalf.  This amount of detail will aid the tender process and provide a more accurate figure.

Contract & Admin

We can provide a vetting service, helping to liaise with Contractors, and advise you on our recommendations. We can provide a contract administrator role; this will depend on the form of contract and duration.

My wife and I have worked with Shaun Tanner on a number of very challenging projects. Shaun understood our brief and the ensuring collaborative effort resulted in many inspiriting aspects to all our projects. He could always be relied on to come up with creative solutions that provided great value to the final project.

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3 Thames Court, 2 Richfield Avenue, Reading RG1 8EQ
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